Current projects
Various assignments as lecturer, trainer, author and evaluator.
Selection of past projects
Dialogues – Energy Citizenship for a Sustainable Future (until April 2024).
Gender coordinator for the research action under the EU Horizon2020 Programme
Gender into Urban Climate Change Initiative.
Project leader on behalf of GenderCC-Women for Climate Justice, 2015-2022.
Funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI).
See project description at IKI web site and project description at GenderCC’s website.
Workshops and Training Materials for Gender Mainstreaming in in Environmental Policy in Serbia, 2020-2021.
Training action commissioned by UN-ECE. See toolbox (pdf).
Interdependente Genderaspekte der Bedürfnisfelder Mobilität, Konsum, Ernährung und Wohnen als Grundlagen des urbanen Umweltschutzes (Interdependent gender aspects of the fields of need mobility, consumption, nutrition and housing as the foundation of urban environmental protection).
GenderCC-Women for Climate Justice, in collaboration with ISIConsult and artec/University of Bremen, 2017-2019.
Contributions to the research project commissioned by the German Umweltbundesamt (Environmental Agency).
Gendergerechtigkeit als Beitrag zu einer erfolgreichen Klimapolitik: Wirkungsanalyse, Interdependenzen mit anderen sozialen Kategorien, methodische Aspekte und Gestaltungsoptionen (The contribution of gender justice to successful climate politics: impact assessment, interdependencies with other social categories, methodological issues and options for shaping climate policy).
GenderCC-Women for Climate Justice, in collaboration with Wuppertal Institut and Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung (ISOE), 2016-2018.
Contributions to the research project commissioned by the German Umweltbundesamt (Environmental Agency).
Masterplan 100% Klimaschutz Potsdam. Contribution to address gender in the master plan.
City of Potsdam.
Die Solidarische Stadt. Genossenschaftliche Handlungsmöglichkeiten in Zeiten des Klimawandels (Cities in Solidarity. Cooperatives’ Power to Act in Times of Climate Change).
Contributions to the research project funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research.
Determinanten der Wechselbereitschaft von Frauen zu Ökostrom: Analyse der Hemmnisse und Motivationsstrategien (Determinants of the willingness of women to switch to green electricity. Analysis of barriers and strategies for motivation).
Contributions to the research project funded by the German Ministry for the Environment.
Gender, Cities and Climate Change.
Background paper commissioned by UN HABITAT.
Energy Regions – evaluation of projects in the research programme “Energy of the Future“, advice on future funding priorities and design of new funding programmes.
Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Austria.
Consultant for the programme “Exportinitiative erneuerbare Energien” (export initiative renewable energies).
Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Germany.
Various expert assignments to evaluate proposals under the EU Horizon 2020 programme, the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme and national energy research programmes; to develop training courses, training materials and e-learning modules on gender and climate policy, gender and energy, urban climate policy.